Christmas time for all to continue giving thanks for all the blessings God has granted all year. Many have lost love one's, experienced birth of a new life to our families and many other events of our life cycles. Above all we must find ways to be grateful and lift up our heads to the almighty.
One thing that I find helpful is to think about the less fortunate. Many families are homeless from losing their jobs due the weak economy.
Yearly we see more organizations lending a helping hand giving to the Homeless foundation, Food Banks, Breast Cancer Society and Children's Foundations, just to name a few. I made my contributions and when I see the families sitting down enjoying a warm meal, I feel good. My family wasn't able to contribute as much this year but, a small contribution can feed a few families.
We at S Sloan Enterprise wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Remember to Safe and please don't drink and drive. God Bless!